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Earth's core is LEAKING: Scientists don't know why it's been doing so for 2.5billion years

Earth's core is LEAKING: Scientists don't know why it's been doing so for 2.5billion years

Earth's core is leaking: Material from the scorching core is moving into the mantle 

EARTH’S scorching core of molten metal has been leaking into the planet’s mantle for at least 2.5 billion years and scientists cannot quite explain why this is happening.

The Earth’s core at the dead centre of the planet burns at an incredible 7,952F to 11,012F (4,400C to 6,100C). This nightmarish hellscape of molten iron and nickel is located more than 3,728miles (6,000km) down. Because of the core’s metal composition, the core is the primary driving force behind the planet’s natural magnetic field. But the core has been leaking into the Earth’s various layers for almost half the age of the planet a study has found, and some of the material could even breach to the surface.


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